Prayer times in Norway is a new application that contains everything a Muslim needs, helping to reme...
Prayer times in Norway is a new application that contains everything a Muslim needs, helping to remember prayer times, hearing and reading the Holy Quran, Qibla direction, Hijri date, morning remembrance, evening remembrance, sleeping remembrance and the Most Beautiful Names of God...Find out the prayer times in Norway and Oslo accurately, depending on your city, by choosing them manually or automaticallyApplication features and features:*Prayer times and call to prayer:The prayer times application in Norway displays the prayer times on a screen with a wonderful and attractive design. It also displays the upcoming prayer and the time remaining for the call to prayer.Also on the same screen the application displays: today’s dhikr from the Muslim Fortress, today’s story from the stories of the prophets, stories of the companions and stories of the Holy Qur’an, reading today’s party from the Holy Qur’an and listening to the Holy Qur’an from today’s reciter.The ability to manually modify prayer times and daylight saving time.The ability to choose the city manually or automatically by activating the GPS location system The Norway prayer times application alerts you when the call to prayer begins in a beautiful way and on an animated screen, with the ability to choose the call to prayer sound for each prayer separately.The ability to turn on and off the call to prayer, or just the call to prayer.The ability to activate or stop the notification before and after the call to prayer, while choosing the alarm sound* The Holy QuranListening to the Holy Qur’an in the voice of 60 reciters, narrated by Warsh, Hafs...Reading the Holy Qur’an through surahs, parts, ahzab or quarters with the possibility of memorizing the reading mark.The ability to change the writing font, font size and background.The possibility of activating the reminder notification by reading the Holy QuranAmong the most famous reciters in the “Prayer Times in Norway” application: Omar Al-Qazzabri, Maher Al-Muaiqly, Mishari Al-Afasy, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, Islam Sobhi, Al-Husri...* RemembrancesMorning remembrances, waking up remembrances, evening remembrances, sleeping remembrances, and the rosary.The ability to activate, stop and change the notification time: morning and evening remembrances, sleep-wake-up remembrances, and the Rosary, with choosing the alarm sound for the remembrances.The ability to listen to the morning and evening dhikr in the voice of Mishary Al-Afasy instead of reading.* Islamic History Hijri date today, month and year with the possibility of modification.* FastingActivate, stop and change the time to think about fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, fasting on the white days and fasting on Ashura.* God Names* ZakatCalculate the due zakat by entering the money you have available.* QiblahDetermine the direction of the Qibla accurately according to your location* Fortress of the MuslimThe daily supplications and supplications that a Muslim needs at all times, with the origin of the hadith* Prayer times for the current month.The Prayer Times in Norway application uses the GPS location system when running the application only to show and calculate prayer times correctly, and this is if you choose the automatic search feature. In addition, this information is used within the application only and is not collected or shared with anyone. If you choose the manual search feature, the application does not need a GPS systemI love it and there are no applications for this in the Muslim world, so I help them with my husband, and then there is no god but God. . ..Finn and Bønnetidene in Norge and Oslo newyaktig, avhengig aven din, ved å velge dem manuelt eller automatiskApplikasjonsfunksjoner or funksjoner:*Bønnetider og oppfordring til bønn:* Den hellige Koranen* Erindringer*Islamic history* Fasting* Gods navn*Zakat* Qiblah*Muslims festning* Bønnetider for new måned.Bønnetider and norge-applikasjonen bruker GPS-lokaliseringssystemet andår applikasjonen kjøres kun for å view og beregne bønnetider riktig, og dette er hvis du velger den automatiske søkefunksjonen. I want to share all the information I have with my apps and similar items that I know about. How to use the phones device, use it and GPS system